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Dear Registered Interpreter

I am pleased to announce that we have appointed a new Executive Manager to replace Siân Pritchard who is leaving NRPSI. Jessica Myint Thinn will take over from Siân on 02 July 2012. Jessica has previously worked for Newham Council, Energywatch and the British Standards Institute, I hope you will join us in welcoming her to NRPSI.

Jessica will be instrumental in implementing our Strategic Plan which can be viewed on our web site NRPSI Strategy Document.

At our last Board of Directors meeting it was emphasised that one of the main goals was to seek statutory protection of title for public service interpreters. It was noted though that this could not be done by NRPSI alone and could only be achieved with the support and co-operation of interpreters.

We acknowledge that this is an incredibly difficult time for interpreters as the profession is under threat. This threat has clearly shown that statutory protection for interpreters is necessary in order to protect both the standards of public service interpreting in the UK and members of the public who are threatened by the use of unqualified and non registered interpreters. Therefore NRPSI sees this protection as its main goal. We would like to ask all interpreters and interpreting organisations to join us in working towards this goal.

The board have asked Jessica and Siân to prepare an Action Plan on how to implement the Strategic plan and consequently how best to work towards statutory protection of title. We have asked them to present a paper on this issue to the next Board meeting on 05 July 2012.

Kind Regards

Ted Sangster

Chair, NRPSI Ltd

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