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Returning to the Register

If you have been off the Register for more than three months and would now like to return, then you can apply for re-instatement. If it is a while since you were on the Register, you should be aware that being registered means:

  • You will be able to use the letters of accreditation RPSI (Registered Public Service Interpreter) after your name
  • You will be issued with an annually updated Photo ID Card to prove your status as a Registered Interpreter showing your language or languages registered
  • Public services across the UK understand that the National Register provides a guarantee of competence and accountability. Many will only use Registered Interpreters
  • Your details will appear on our public register where potential clients can find your details and contact you direct for work, or can confirm your registration (over 2,500 organisations currently registered to search the National Register)
  • You will receive a unique URL which links directly to your online record: use to promote your professional skills
  • You benefit from free access to the password-controlled Interpreter's Room where you are able to update many of your own details that appear on the public register (for security reasons NRPSI must validate any proposed changes in contact details) to ensure your record is up-to-date and displays your latest experience
  • You will receive regular updates from NRPSI on the profession and maintaining your standards


Note, however, that a re-instatement fee will be added to our standard renewal fee and you should also be aware that our criteria for registration may have changed since you were last on the Register.

For further information, go to the How to renew your Registration section.

See the Fees page for details of the fees and how to pay.

Please note that once a registration is accepted, all registration fees are non-refundable.

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