NRPSI comprises three operational teams – the Registration Department; the Professional Standards Department; and Executive and Corporate Services, with the following responsibilities:

Registration Department ( )

  • Maintain and update the NRPSI Register
  • Deal with queries and applications from interpreters
  • Manage the issue of registration Photo ID Cards
  • Process re-admissions and re-instatements to the Register
  • Remove interpreters from the Register due to death, resignation or non-payment
  • Ensure that all activities conform to Data Protection
  • Provide Secretariat services to Selection Panel
  • Promote use of the NRPSI search engine

Bogna Wojnowska
Registration Manager

Professional Standards Department (

  • Manage complaints and appeals process
  • Keep the Professional Code of Conduct under review
  • Provide Secretariat services to the Professional Conduct Committee and Disciplinary Committee
  • Deal with post disciplinary judgment correspondence and queries
  • Remove and reinstate interpreters from the Register as outcomes of disciplinary proceedings
  • Provide Secretarial services to the Qualifications Committee
  • Manage the process for recognition of qualifications
  • Promote CPD in raising professional standards
  • Advise on suitable CPD activity

Agnieszka Ghanem
Professional Standards Manager

Executive and Corporate Services (

  • Manage and coordinate overall operations of NRPSI
  • Monitor the development of regulation in interpreting and society generally
  • Represent the NRPSI at public events and activities
  • Advise and inform the NRPSI Board
  • Develop and maintain the NRPSI website
  • Manage Marketing, Public Relations and Communications (including production of events, promotional materials and NRPSI’s newsletters)

Registrar and Executive Director

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